Tuesday, August 4, 2009

And in this corner we have... fail.

So today I was pretty riled up. Why, you ask?

One answer: Craigslist.

Yes, it's pathetic that I would allow myself to get so angry, so indescribably p'd off at an internet website... but when you read the following, you will understand.

Basically, these two people have been arguing back and forth for a few days about gay people. Now, anyone that doesn't know this should know now that I am a lesbian. Basically, one person was defending gay people and the other was bashing them. I was staying out of it and laughing at the stupidity when this.. this IDIOT literally said this:

"Gay people are more likely to molest children."

What... WHAT?!?! ARE YOU RETARDED?! You do realize that, statistically speaking, straight white men are the most common pedophiles and most likely to rape children??

Sorry to burst your bubble, hun, but I have NO intimate feelings about children and the mere thought causes vomit to rise in my throat.

I really hope someone shoots this man.


Kaizoku-sensei said...

*huggles* People are stupid. Anyone who makes that kind of outrageous statement should no longer be taken seriously.

Anonymous said...

That's because people are morons dear who don't research anything and will throw up the first comment they find that they think helps their case. Fear makes people say the dumbest things.

You'd have LOVED the debate my sdv class had over whether gay people should be allowed to adopt. Ahhh how I wanted to scream >.>

(Lets see if this will post this time)