Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fail Parenting

My mother is extremely jealous of me. I couldn't tell you why, but I've known this for pretty much most of my life. I think it's because I didn't have to do the same hard labor and work that she did as a child, but I can't be 100% certain. Obviously this jealousy has caused many issues between us, and it sparks many fights.

Tonight, one such fight happened.

My mom always tries to yell at me and force me to do things for her, ever since I've turned 18 I've started standing up to her and I refuse to take her crap. Today we got into a fight about how she claims I haven't been exercising. I tried to explain to her that all break I HAVEN'T exercised and have still lost weight. She said "Honestly you look like you've gained some back." I said "oh really? Because I weighed myself at Ashley's house and in the few days between that I had lost 2 pounds." Then of course, the argument starts and she freaks out at me.

Yanno what, I don't have an issue with exercising, I don't. It's the fact that we don't have food in this house right now that if I DID exercise all I would be burning would be muscles. I can hardly find enough food to eat 1,500 calories a day (minimum for me to survive), if I want to work out I'll need at LEAST 2,500. She doesn't seem to understand this, no matter how many times I explain this to her.

But whatever. She always has to have her way. And I'm not going to let her ruin my week. My birthday is Saturday and that's all that matters. If I have to walk a few blocks to my friends' house to get her to shut up, I will.

Good job, mom, you win.

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