Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Birthday Plans and how they don't work.

Weeeeell, my "wonderful" birthday is coming up this Saturday. I will be 19 (yay? -facepalm-) and will be nearing the ends of my teenager years.

So of course my parents are like "you're 18, almost 19, we're not throwing you parties anymore." Noooo big deal. I can throw my own party. I am 18, after all. Of course, I can't afford one of those amazing parties that has been thrown in the past. So I warn my friends ahead of time that we will be having juice and peanut butter and jelly... and probably no cake unless my sister pulls through.

Well, I can't have the party at my house so where... whereeee could I have it? EUREKA! The graveyard! Now before you guys are all like "wat?!", me and my friends spend quite a lot of time at the graveyard. There is a grave there that says "Unwanted Baby Girl 'X'" and my friends and I have adopted her and named her Simi, this is why we spend so much time there. We have had picnics at the graveyard, we've had sleep-overs at the graveyard, you name it and we've done it. Well... we've never had a birthday party... yet.

So here I am all like Wohooo! I can make my own birthday plans! When suddenly it happens.

What happens, you ask?

The weather.

Oh yes. So I was checking the weather and guess what is supposed to happen the day of my lovely birthday plans? Not rain. Not snow.

A full, blown out, angry storm.

In fact... the only day its NOT supposed to storm is on Thursday.


Well, there goes my plans.

On to plan B!

What is plan B?

B. For Begging. My mother.

You see, I've been trying to talk my mom into just letting me have my party at my house (some of my other friends are like 'omg a graveyard no way') and she's been kiiiinda like "okay" but also like "no" so... I guess I have to pull out the whole "It's going to storm and we'll get rained on and die." dealio.

Well. That's it for my ramblings right now. I'll probably be back with more later. (Hey, this is sort of becoming a diary or something lol!)

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