Saturday, January 17, 2009

Stuff (the cat!)

I found a stray cat yesterday. She was outside at 7am in the morning when I walked to the bus (in like... 0degree weather...) with a dog whom was barking at us and still there when I came home around 5 (without the dog), so I definately walked over and picked her up.

She's very sweet, a little bit skinny but very VERY clean. She doesn't have fleas, her ears were clean, she has an impression on her neck that had to have been left by a collar. I'm thinking she may have been a pet dump, afterall there was the dog with her. A few hours ago I walked over to the store and we got her 9lives cat food. Not the best, I'm aware, but it's inbetween pay days and thats all we could afford at the moment.

We've contacted the humane society and told them we have her, I'm putting up posters later on today and we're going to walk around the area and ask if anyone knows where she came from. She is very beautiful, and if she was lost- we will find her owners.

For now we're calling her "Stuff" x3. My mom named her. Oh also, we won't be keeping her :/... well I HOPE we will, and moms falling in love with her soooo it's possible... I want to get her this collar from across the street. Its $1 and it's a purple collar with a cute bell XD It's really adorable. Hell, SHE'S really adorable!

Ok thats all for today :)



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