Sunday, January 25, 2009

A totally un-cared for art spam.

I'm sick and when I cough its like my lungs are on FIRE >:( so I have nothing to blog about =_=;; So instead of just rambling, I figured I may as well have art spam.. Yaaay...

Woooho. That's all I got for ya x_o;

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My book + sneak peak

If anyone wants to help me with character names for my book, please post here with a list of names for the following characters:

Girl - 11 - Quiet, a bit shy, ridiculed and hated. Brown faded hair. Brown eyes. 4’ 7”, 80lbs. Unknown origins.
Man - 21 - Straight long black hair, grey eyes. 5’11”, 155lbs. Phillipean
Man - unknown age - Gentle, but necessarily harsh
Female - unknown age - Strict, but sweet and understanding
Male - unknown age - Hated, rude, loves to cause trouble
Female - unknown age - brother of above. Kind, gentle, tries to keep her brother out of trouble and fix his mistakes

If you have any name ideas, let me know ^^

Heres a preview for ya---

------------------------------------------------------ PROLOGUE

In America, there were many people. Some were kind, others were mean. I remember once, going to New York. As I was preparing for bed I heard the couple in the next room, fighting. The woman was screaming horridly. I thought she was going to be killed. I laid there that night, thinking of her, wishing she was okay. Now, when I hear the people downstairs screaming, I think of them too.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ah Blogger, how you tease me..

Here I am with this blog, and I have nothing to blog about!

Well certainly I do. Perhaps the fact I'm sick, and came home from school early? Maybe the cat? How about how boring my fish are because they aren't fancy guppies?

Oh to hell with it. Let's express my love for HORATIO CANE. Ooooh yeah.

Anyways, onto ordinary? things...

Oh wait, there is nothing ordinary ;__; Someone pleaaasae give me something to blog about. Glah.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Stuff (the cat!)

I found a stray cat yesterday. She was outside at 7am in the morning when I walked to the bus (in like... 0degree weather...) with a dog whom was barking at us and still there when I came home around 5 (without the dog), so I definately walked over and picked her up.

She's very sweet, a little bit skinny but very VERY clean. She doesn't have fleas, her ears were clean, she has an impression on her neck that had to have been left by a collar. I'm thinking she may have been a pet dump, afterall there was the dog with her. A few hours ago I walked over to the store and we got her 9lives cat food. Not the best, I'm aware, but it's inbetween pay days and thats all we could afford at the moment.

We've contacted the humane society and told them we have her, I'm putting up posters later on today and we're going to walk around the area and ask if anyone knows where she came from. She is very beautiful, and if she was lost- we will find her owners.

For now we're calling her "Stuff" x3. My mom named her. Oh also, we won't be keeping her :/... well I HOPE we will, and moms falling in love with her soooo it's possible... I want to get her this collar from across the street. Its $1 and it's a purple collar with a cute bell XD It's really adorable. Hell, SHE'S really adorable!

Ok thats all for today :)



Thursday, January 15, 2009

An answer, and I fail.

So I failed. Because I wasn't able to update at ALL that week. My internet was completely shut off. Whoops.

Now Have-Not-Sheep asked me "Have you ever stayed up for 24 hours?"

The answer?

Yes! My record is 63 hours, actually. I lived on an entire 2 liter of Doctor Pepper, a loaf of bread, and a container of circle sliced turkey.... I was strange? oO;

Tomorrow in J-Club we're making rice balls :D!! I'll make sure to bring my camera and take some pictures for that ;)

For now, heres a cute picture of my hamster :)

This is my hamster, Maxx!! X3

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Stare at the Moon...

Gah. I just burnt my lips on ramen >_>;

So, dad decided to not pay the cable/internet bill when we had the money to. He's paying it on Friday, but until then our internet will be "dial up" speed. Blogger is practically the only website running the same (thank you, Blogger!); so this will be where I give all my friends updates :]

So hello, friends!

Today I am in a lot better mood. Yesterday I went to bed at 12am I was so upset, which actually helped a lot to get me back onto my "school schedule", as it is. Before, I had been going to bed between 4 and 6 am D:

(my lip hurts)

I don't have very much to say =_=;; Uhhh.

Oh yeah!! I'm still offering my drawings because I really like to draw, so if any of my friends want me to draw something for them, either post here or message me on MSN whenever I get on. OR you can text me if you know my text number :D

When you comment, please say who you are XD;

Friday, January 2, 2009


Why is it that most people don't consider "vet care" as part of the basic needs of an animal?

I am a member of a rodent website, and there is a young lady there who's pet has mange. Now, most people would either 1. take the animal to the vet or 2. take the animal to the pound, where THEY can fix it. However, this young lady chooses to completely ignore her pet, and is getting another. Her dogs are also unfixed, and had a litter. Her reason for not fixing them? "Because they are purebred with papers."

This girl isn't stupid, she takes general great care of her animals. Her pets have food, water, a home to live in- everything they need. So why is it that she ignores their right to veterinary medicine?

The dogs, okay. I can live with her not fixing her dogs. She claims they can be responsible, then alright.

But when does basic medical care stop being an important factor in the choice to own an animal? To me, these are the things you HAVE to consider before you get an animal:

1. Can you afford food?
2. Can you afford shelter?
3. Can you afford vet care for it?
4. Have you done enough research about its basic needs?
5. Can you fulfill its basic needs (food, water, shelter, vet, etc for certain animals like hamsters which need a certain amount of space in its cage, bedding, etc)?
6. Are you prepared to take on the responsibility of getting the animal something it needs if your parents suddenly decide its 'not worth it' or they 'arent paying for this anymore'?

If you answered no to any of that, you shouldn't get that pet. I'm sorry, but if you take on the responsibility of getting it- you take on EVERYTHING it comes with. All its illness', all its diseases, everything.